Mind Space

New Year, New Name

We are very excited to begin 2024 with a fresh perspective and new organization name!

Mind Space Skills for Wellbeing -formally CBT Skills Groups Society- reflects our broad vision and inclusive approach to mental health by emphasizing the importance of creating a safe mental health ‘space’ for growth, reflection, and supportive care. The encompassing rainbow circle for our logo embodies connection, inclusivity, and diversity.
We will continue to offer MSP-funded educational groups led by physician facilitators that you have enjoyed and relied on the CBT Skills Groups Society for to support your mental health and wellbeing.

Welcome to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Skills Groups

Are you dealing with a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or ADHD and wish you knew ways to better support yourself? Do you want to develop tools to help you cope better with your feelings, and live life more intentionally? Or are you a parent who wants to discover ways to better support your young child’s emotional growth?

We are here to support your learning.

We are a group of doctors who offer a series of psychoeducational and skills-training groups suitable for people with mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression (CBT Skills Foundations Group), ADHD (Skills for Success) and for parents of children age 0-6 (Raising Resilient Kids). Our programs are informative, empowering, and practical. You will develop awareness of your patterns of feeling, thinking and behaving, and be supported to make more intentional choices and build habits to improve your mental health.

Designed by psychiatrists and taught by physicians, these courses integrate neuroscience, mindfulness and cognitive behavioural therapy skills and concepts. Many have described them as like an “owner’s manual” for living as human beings. Courses are offered virtually and in-person (in some centres).

All programs are 8-week series, conducted in groups with up to 14 others. The groups are like classrooms, not therapy groups, but the support of the group and inspiration of learning from others is often a highlight of the experience.

What is CBT?

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) helps you become more aware of patterns of thinking (cognitions), feeling (emotions) and behaving. With awareness, you become aware of ways you can relate differently to your thoughts, or choose intentionally to create new thoughts and behaviours that will better support your mood. Focusing on your present-day life, you experiment with approaching challenges in ways that are more flexible and more likely to bring about positive change.

The CBT Skills groups draw from CBT and from other evidence-based therapies, including mindfulness and acceptance-based therapies, to teach you new ways of working in your life. You will learn about how the mind works, the nature of thoughts, the function of emotions, and the interconnection of thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You will practice various skills that help you remain in the present moment, where you can more often respond thoughtfully and in ways that will be supportive of your well-being. You will be introduced to practices that encourage self-compassion and self-acceptance.

CBT wins 2021 Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Award

The CFPC and CPA presents the CBT Skills Group Program the Collaborative Mental Health Care with the grassroots community program award.

Are you in crisis and need mental health support? Call 310-6789 for emotional support, information, and resources specific to mental health and substance use disorders.

Are you thinking about suicide or concerned about someone at risk? Call 1-800-784-2433.